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Boston Heart Blood Panels
Updated over 11 months ago

Test Details

Lab Company: Boston Heart Diagnostics
Sample Type: Blood
Collection Location: In Lab (Phlebotomy Required)

Boston Heart Diagnostics’ blood panels can include any combination of biomarkers chosen for you by your practitioner.

Key Details

  • 🏥 Sample collection must be performed by a phlebotomist.

  • 💰 You may need to pay a separate fee for phlebotomy.

  • 🍽️ You may be required to fast or stop supplements before your blood draw.

  • 🧪 Please note that your kit may include more tubes than needed to complete your blood draw. Please have the phlebotomist check the requisition form and the notes beside each ordered test to confirm the tubes that should be drawn.

  • 📄 The Rupa Health team will email you your test requisition form. You must PRINT, COMPLETE, and BRING IT TO YOUR BLOOD DRAW.

Preparation & Timing

  • Sample collection must be performed by a phlebotomist.

    • Resources for scheduling and preparing for your blood draw can be found HERE.

  • Hydrate before your blood draw.

  • Freeze the provided ice packs for 24 hours before your blood draw.

  • If you have one or more of the following tests, you must avoid biotin supplementation for 3 days before your blood draw.

    • C-Peptide

    • Cortisol

    • DHEA-S

    • Estradiol

    • Folate

    • Free T4

    • Insulin

    • Interleukin-6

    • Luteinizing Hormone (LH)

    • Parathyroid Hormone

    • Progesterone

    • Roche Elecsys Anti-SARS-CoV-2 S (Spike Antibody)

    • SHBG

    • Thyroglobulin Antibody

    • TPO Antibody

    • Troponin T Gen 5

    • Vitamin B12

  • If you have the following test, you must avoid seafood for 24 hours before your blood draw.

    • TMAO

  • If you have one or more of the following tests, it is required that you fast for 8-12 hours before your blood draw. You may drink only water, black coffee, or tea without dairy or sugar.

    • Aldosterone

    • Basic Metabolic Panel

    • Boston Heart Fatty Acid Balance™

    • Boston Heart HDL Map®

    • Boston Heart HDL Map® (particles only)

    • Boston Heart Prediabetes Assessment®

    • CardioMetabolic Panel

    • CVD & Diabetes Prevention

    • CVMap

    • CoQ10

    • Folate

    • Glucose

    • HOMA-IR

    • LDL-P/HDL-P by NMR

    • Lipid Panel

    • LipoMap

    • Serum MetaboMap™

    • TMAO

  • If you have one or more of the following tests, it is recommended that you fast for 8-12 hours before your blood draw. You may drink only water, black coffee, or tea without dairy or sugar.


    • Direct Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (LDL-C)

    • OxLDL

    • sdLDL (morning draw recommended)

    • Total Cholesterol (TC)

    • Triglycerides

  • If you have the following test, you must avoid fish oil for 8 hours before your blood draw.

    • Boston Heart Fatty Acid Balance™

Collection Instructions

  1. Read this article to prepare for your blood draw.

  2. Freeze the provided ice packs for 24 hours before your blood draw.

  3. PRINT and COMPLETE your test requisition form.

    1. This form was emailed to you from the Rupa Health team.

    2. You can also find it in your Rupa Health patient portal.

  4. Bring the following items with you to your blood draw appointment.

    1. Test kit

    2. Frozen ice packs

    3. Completed test requisition form

    4. Any other Boston Heart samples you have (swab, urine)

  5. The phlebotomist will collect, prepare, and ship your sample back to Boston Heart.

    1. PLEASE NOTE: The RBC Magnesium test has special collection instructions. Please ensure the phlebotomist follows the special instructions for this test.

*IMPORTANT NOTE*: Your kit may include more tubes than needed to complete your blood draw. Please have the phlebotomist check the requisition form and collection instructions to confirm the tubes that should be drawn.

Requisition & Payment

  • Your kit has been prepaid. You may need to pay a separate fee for phlebotomy.


Please print out this form, complete it, and bring it with you to your blood draw.

  • You must complete your requisition form and send it back with your samples.

    • Since you pre-paid for your tests, you do not need to fill in the payment information on this form.


  • Make a note of the tracking number on the return mailer so that you can track your samples back to the lab.

  • The phlebotomist will prepare and ship the samples back to Boston Heart.


  • Results should be released to your provider 10-14 business days after samples are received at the lab. Rupa Health cannot guarantee processing time.

More Resources


Reach out to Rupa Health via the chat in your patient portal.

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