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DNA Methylation Pathway Profile
Updated over 6 months ago

Test Details

Lab Company: Mosaic Diagnostics
​Sample Type: Swab
​Collection Location: At Home

The DNA Methylation Pathway Profile screens for a variety of genetic changes that may impact the function of important biochemical processes. These changes can lead to a variety of health conditions.

Key Details

  • No special preparation is needed.

  • DO NOT collect if you are sick.

  • Ship your samples Monday - Thursday only.

  • You DO NOT need to register your kit online or complete a requisition form.

Preparation & Timing

  • If your practitioner has ordered Mosaic Diagnostics tests with multiple sample types, consult THIS DOCUMENT to determine the order in which you should collect your samples.

  • No special preparation is needed.

  • DO NOT collect if you are sick.

Collection Instructions

  1. Complete the Informed Consent Form.

  2. Rinse your mouth with cold water.

  3. Open one of the sleeves and remove one swab.

    1. Keep the package intact.

    2. Only peel it open enough to remove the applicator.

  4. Remove ONE cotton swab applicator.

    1. DO NOT touch the cotton tip.

  5. Swallow to remove excess saliva.

  6. Using a circular motion, rub the swab on the inside of one cheek about 20 times.

    1. Use enough pressure for the cheek to be pushed outward.

  7. Gently wave the swab in the air to let it dry for 3 minutes.

    1. DO NOT touch the swab.

  8. Once the swab is dry, place it back in the sleeve.

  9. Remove the second swab from the sleeve.

  10. Repeat steps 5-9 for the second swab.

    1. Use the same cheek.

  11. Once you have completed the first set of swabs, open the other sleeve.

  12. Repeat steps 4-11 for the second two swabs.

    1. Use the other cheek.

  13. Once all four samples have been collected, place the two sleeves containing the four dry swabs in the provided swab collection return envelope.

    1. DO NOT place the swabs in a plastic bag.

  14. Write the following information on the barcode stickers.

    1. Your full name

    2. Date of collection

    3. Time of collection

  15. Place a barcode sticker on the swab collection return envelope.

Requisition & Payment

  • Your kit has been prepaid. You DO NOT need to pay anything extra.

  • You DO NOT need to register your kit online or complete a requisition form.


  • Ship your samples Monday - Thursday only.

  • To prepare your samples for shipping,

    • Place the two swab-containing sleeves into the provided swab collection return envelope.

    • Seal the envelope.

    • Place the swab collection return envelope into the provided UPS envelope.

    • Place the Informed Consent form into the UPS envelope.

    • Seal the envelope.

  • Make a note of the tracking number so that you can track your samples back to the lab.

  • Ship using UPS.

    • You can take your samples to the nearest UPS location.

    • DO NOT place your samples in a UPS drop box.

    • You can also schedule a UPS pickup by calling 1 (800) 742-5877.


  • Results should be released to your provider 5-6 weeks after samples are received at the lab. We cannot guarantee processing time.

  • Your provider will notify you when your results are in and schedule a follow-up appointment for you to review them together.

More Resources


Reach out to Rupa Health via the chat in your patient portal.

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