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RTL Tox Complete Plus
Updated over 6 months ago

Test Details

Lab Company: RealTime Laboratories
​Sample Type: Urine
​Collection Location: At Home

This panel combines the Total Mycotoxin Panel, Organic Acids Panel, Environmental Pollutant Profile, and Glyphosate Exposure Analysis. It detects mycotoxins and glyphosate, assesses nutritional status, and defines your toxic burden.

Key Details

  • ❌ DO NOT collect your sample when you are menstruating or when you have a UTI.

  • 🍽️ You must avoid certain foods for 48 hours before sample collection.

  • πŸ’§ Avoid excessive fluid intake the evening before sample collection.

  • πŸ§ͺ You will collect two samples - a urine specimen tube and a dried urine card.

  • πŸ’¨ Ensure the sample is completely dry before shipping it back to the lab.

  • 🚚 Ship your sample back to the lab within 48 hours of collection.

Preparation & Timing

  • DO NOT collect samples while:

    • You are menstruating.

    • You have a urinary tract infection.

    • You are taking methylene blue.

  • Avoid the following foods for 48 hours before sample collection.

    • Beverages

      • Tea

      • Coffee

      • Alcoholic beverages

      • Juice

    • Vegetables & Fruits

      • Avocado

      • Tomato

      • Banana

      • Grapes/Raisins

      • Kiwi

      • Pineapple

      • Plantain

      • Plums/Prunes

    • Seeds & Nuts

      • Walnut

      • Pecan

    • Other Foods

      • Ketchup

      • Jell-O

      • Vanilla extract

      • Aged and processed cheeses

    • Preservatives

      • Sorbic Acid/Sorbate (preservative) (E200-203)

      • Benzoic Acid/Sodium Benzoate (preservative) (E210-213)

  • Avoid excessive fluid intake the evening before collection.

    • If your sample is too dilute, it will not be able to be analyzed.

Collection Instructions

πŸ§ͺ You will collect two samples - a urine specimen tube and a dried urine card.

  1. You will collect your first morning urine.

    1. Collect before eating or drinking.

    2. If you have a nontraditional schedule, collect your first urine after your longest stretch of sleep.

  2. Write the following information on the specimen tube label:

    1. Patient's full name

    2. Patient's date of birth

    3. Date of collection

  3. Write the following information on the dried urine collection card:

    1. Patient's full name

    2. Patient's date of birth

    3. Patient's gender

    4. Date of collection

  4. Complete the test requisition form.

  5. Start urinating - do not collect the first portion of urine.

  6. Start collecting urine mid-stream in the collection cup.

  7. Fill the collection cup at least 2/3 full.

  8. Finish urinating into the toilet.

  9. Pour urine into the provided tube.

  10. Fill the tube halfway.

    1. DO NOT overfill.

  11. Securely seal the cap.

    1. You should hear a pop when the cap is secure.

  12. If you cannot ship your sample on the day of collection, place it in the freezer until you can ship it.

    1. Please write the date the sample was frozen on the test requisition form.

  13. Gather the dried urine collection card.

    1. DO NOT touch the absorbent pads.

  14. Place the absorbent pad portion of the collection card into the cup.

  15. Leave the card inside the cup for at least 15 seconds to ensure full saturation.

  16. Take the collection card out of the cup, briefly allowing it to drip freely.

  17. Dry the collection card by air drying or blow drying.

    1. Air Dry

      1. Air dry the collection card for at least 12 hours.

      2. The absorbent pad may drape and touch the collection card.

    2. Blow Dry

      1. Dry the collection card with a hair dryer set on "low." The air may be warm but NOT HOT.

      2. Allow 1-3 inches between the dryer and the collection card.

      3. Dry both sides of the collection card for 5 minutes per side (total drying time of 10 minutes).

  18. Once the collection card is fully dried, tuck the cover into the flap.

  19. On the back of the card, note the method you used to dry it.

  20. Place the completely dry collection card into one of the biohazard bags and seal tightly.

  21. Place the specimen tube into the other biohazard bag with the absorbent pad and seal tightly.

Requisition & Payment

  • Your kit has been prepaid. You DO NOT need to pay anything extra.

  • You must complete your requisition form and send it back with your samples.

    • Since you pre-paid for your tests, you do not need to fill in the payment information on this form.


  • Ship your samples back to the lab within 48 hours of collection.

  • If you cannot ship your samples on the day of collection, place the liquid specimen tube in the freezer until you can ship it.

    • Please write the date the sample was frozen on the test requisition form.

  • To prepare your samples for shipping,

    • Ensure the collection card is completely dry.

    • Tuck the card cover into the flap.

    • On the back of the collection card, note the method used to dry it.

    • Place the completely dry collection card into one of the biohazard bags with the absorbent pad.

    • Seal the bag tightly.

    • Place the specimen tube into the other biohazard bag with the absorbent pad.

    • Seal the bag securely.

    • Place the two biohazard bags into the test kit box.

    • Seal the box.

    • Place the test kit box into the provided prepaid mailer.

    • Seal the prepaid mailer.

  • Make a note of the tracking number on the return mailer so that you can track your samples back to the lab.

  • DO NOT place your sample in a drop box.


  • Results should be released to your provider 7-10 business days after samples are received at the lab. Rupa Health cannot guarantee processing time.

More Resources


Reach out to Rupa Health via the chat in your patient portal.

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