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GI Profiles
Updated over 6 months ago

Test Details

Lab Company: US BioTek
​Sample Type: Stool
​Collection Location: At Home

The GI Profiles analyze the health of your gut microbiome, the collection of microorganisms that live in your digestive tract.

Key Details

  • ⏰ Collection can be done at any time during the day.

  • πŸ’Š Certain medications and supplements should be avoided before the test (see below for details).

  • 🩸 Avoid collecting samples when you are menstruating or have actively bleeding hemorrhoids.

  • ❄️ Refrigerate your samples if you cannot ship them on the day of collection.

  • 🚚 Samples must be shipped within 24 hours of the final collection.

Preparation & Timing

  • Collection can be done at any time during the day.

  • Avoid collecting samples during menstruation.

  • Avoid collecting samples when you have actively bleeding hemorrhoids

  • Avoid the following medications for 2 weeks before sample collection.

    • Antibiotics

    • Antifungal drugs

    • NSAIDs

    • DO NOT discontinue prescription medications without consulting your healthcare provider.

  • Avoid the following medications for 3 days before sample collection.

    • Oral castor oil

    • Probiotics

    • Laxatives

    • Aspirin

    • Ibuprofen

    • Prebiotics

    • Digestive enzymes

    • Detox/liver herbs and minerals

    • Amino acids

    • Other gut-associated supplements

    • DO NOT discontinue prescription medications without consulting your healthcare provider.

  • Continue your normal diet before sample collection. Try to include these foods (if you eat them!).

    • Meat

    • Fish

    • Poultry

    • Vegetables (raw and cooked)

    • Carbohydrates (potatoes, rice, pasta, bread)

    • Fats (butter, margarine, oils)

Collection Instructions

  1. Write the following information on the three sample tubes. Failure to label your samples will lead to a recollection.

    1. Patient's full name

    2. Patient's date of birth

    3. Date of sample collection

  2. Urinate before sample collection.

  3. Lift the toilet seat.

  4. Use toilet paper to dry off the rim of the toilet bowl.

  5. Unfold the flushable stool collection device.

  6. Attach the stool collection device to the toilet bowl.

    1. Remove the tape on the middle flap of the collection device.

    2. Attach the middle flap to the back of the toilet bowl.

    3. Remove the tape on the next 2 flaps.

    4. Attach them to the side of the toilet bowl.

    5. Remove the tape on the final 2 flaps.

    6. Attach them to the side of the toilet bowl near the front.

  7. Put down the toilet seat.

  8. Collect your stool.

    1. DO NOT contaminate the stool with urine or water from the toilet.

  9. Open the GREEN-TOP tube.

    1. DO NOT touch or discard the preservative in the tube.

  10. Transfer stool into the tube using the built-in scoop until you reach the FILL LINE.

    1. Collect from different areas of the sample.

    2. Note: If the sample tube is not full enough, you may need to recollect.

  11. Place the cap back on the tube.

  12. Twist the cap on the tube tightly to ensure it is sealed.

  13. Shake the GREEN-TOP tube for at least 10 seconds, until the contents of the tube are mixed.

  14. Open the RED-TOP tube.

  15. Transfer stool into the tube using the built-in scoop until you reach the FILL LINE.

    1. Collect from different areas of the sample.

    2. Note: If the sample tube is not full enough, you may need to recollect.

  16. Place the cap back on the tube.

  17. Twist the cap on the tube tightly to ensure it is sealed.

    1. DO NOT shake the RED-TOP tube.

  18. Place the swab into the ORANGE-TOP tube.

  19. Make sure the FILL LINE is not exceeded.

  20. Hold the swab shaft.

  21. Mix the stool specimen against the side of the ORANGE-TOP tube.

  22. Hold the end of the swab shaft.

  23. Place the marked breaking point agains the rim of the tube.

  24. Bend the swab to break it.

  25. Discard the top of the swab shaft.

  26. Close the tube securely.

  27. Place the labeled sample tubes into the biohazard bag.

  28. Complete the test requisition form.

    1. Please ensure that the information on the sample tubes matches the information on your requisition form EXACTLY. If it does not match, you may need to recollect your samples.

  29. Place the completed test requisition form into the biohazard bag.

  30. If you cannot ship your samples the same day you collect them, REFRIGERATE your samples and ship them the following day.

    1. DO NOT freeze.

  31. When you are ready to ship your samples, place the biohazard bag into the test kit box.

  32. Place the test kit box into the provided shipping envelope.

Requisition & Payment

  • Your kit has been prepaid. You DO NOT need to pay anything extra.

  • You must complete your requisition form and send it back with your samples.

    • Since you pre-paid for your tests, you do not need to fill in the payment information on this form.


  • If you cannot ship your samples the same day you collect them, REFRIGERATE your samples and ship them the following day.

    • DO NOT freeze.

  • Samples must be shipped within 24 hours of the final collection.

  • To prepare your samples for shipping,

    • Ensure your sample tubes are labeled and your test requisition form is complete.

    • Place the three labeled sample tubes into the biohazard bag with the absorbent pad.

    • Place the completed test requisition form into the biohazard bag.

    • Seal the biohazard bag.

    • Place the biohazard bag into the test kit box.

    • Place the test kit box into the provided shipping envelope.

    • Seal the shipping envelope.

  • Make a note of the tracking number on the return mailer so that you can track your samples back to the lab.


  • Results should be released to your provider 5-10 business days after samples are received at the lab. Rupa Health cannot guarantee processing time.

More Resources


Reach out to Rupa Health via the chat in your patient portal.

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