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DUTCH Cycle Mapping PLUS
Updated over 5 months ago

Test Details

Lab Company: Precision Analytical (DUTCH)
​Sample Type: Urine
​Collection Location: At Home

The DUTCH Cycle Mapping Plus analyzes the pattern of progesterone and estrogen, hormone metabolites, and the cortisol awakening response throughout the menstrual cycle. It is collected throughout one entire menstrual cycle. This test is not intended for women who are not cycling, on hormonal birth control, on hormone replacement therapy, or are post-menopausal.

Key Details

  • πŸ”Ž This is a long and detailed test. Please read the instructions carefully.

  • πŸ’Š If you are taking hormones, consult the information below and your healthcare provider to discuss collection timing.

  • 🍽️ You must avoid certain foods and beverages before and during the collection period.

  • πŸ—“οΈ The sample collection schedule is dependent on your cycle length.

  • πŸ“¦ Samples should be shipped to the lab as soon as possible after sample collection.

Preparation & Timing

  • If you are taking any hormone therapy, consult your healthcare practitioner before completing this test.

    • It is typically required to stop hormone therapy for the duration of this test.

    • DO NOT discontinue prescription medications before consulting with your healthcare practitioner.

  • The collection schedule for this test will be determined by your cycle. Day 1 is the first day of menstrual flow (not spotting).

    • Normal or short cycle: a cycle less than 34 days

      • The first collection will be on day 7.

      • The last four urine samples and the saliva samples will be collected on the 4th day of your new cycle.

    • Long cycle: a cycle that is 34 days or longer

      • The first collection will be on Day 7.

      • The last four urine samples and the saliva samples will be collected on the 4th day of your new cycle.

    • No cycle: a cycle without bleeding (due to a partial hysterectomy, ablation, etc.)

      • You can start collections any day.

      • The last four urine samples and the saliva samples will be collected on Day 33.

Before Collecting Last 4 Urine Samples and the Saliva Samples

  • Consult your healthcare practitioner if you are taking any of the following medications:

    • Tyrosine

    • L-Dopa

    • D,L-Phenylalanine (DLPA)

    • Mucuna

    • Quercetin

  • 48 hours before collection

    • DO NOT eat the following foods

      • Avocado

      • Fava beans

      • Bananas

  • Day of collection

    • DO NOT drink caffeine or alcohol.

    • DO NOT exercise.

    • DO NOT brush your teeth.

    • Limit fluid intake to 40 oz.

    • Wait to eat and drink until after you collect sample #3.

    • Wait to take all non-essential medications and supplements until after you collect sample #4.

Collection Schedule

The collection schedule for this test will be determined by your cycle. Day 1 is the first day of menstrual flow (not spotting).

Click on the sections below to see the collection schedule for your specific cycle length.

Normal or Short Cycle (less than 34 days)

  • You will start your collection on day 7 of your cycle.

  • If you miss a collection, simply collect the following day and then continue the schedule as it is listed.

  • If menstruation begins before Sample #21, collect one more sample (day 2 of your period) and then skip to collecting the last four urine samples and saliva samples.

  • If you complete Sample #21 and have not started menstruating, call DUTCH at 503-687-2050 to be advised on the next steps.

  • Remember, there are special preparation instructions for the last four urine samples and the saliva samples.

Long Cycle (34 days or more)

  • You will start your collection on day 7 of your cycle.

  • If you miss a collection, simply collect the following day and then continue the schedule as it is listed.

  • If menstruation begins before Sample #21, collect one more sample (day 2 of your period) and then skip to collecting the last four urine samples and saliva samples.

  • If you complete Sample #21 and have not started menstruating, call DUTCH at 503-687-2050 to be advised on the next steps.

  • Remember, there are special preparation instructions for the last four urine samples and the saliva samples.

No Cycle (functional ovaries but no menstrual flow)

  • You can start collection any day.

  • If you miss a collection, simply collect the following day and then continue the schedule as it is listed.

  • You DO NOT need to collect Samples #17-21.

  • Collect the last four urine samples and the saliva samples on day 33.

  • Remember, there are special preparation instructions for the last four urine samples and the saliva samples.

Collection Instructions

Saliva Collection

  1. Set the following items next to your bed the night before your collection.

    1. Saliva collection device

    2. Requisition form

    3. Pen

  2. Collect the first sample immediately upon waking, before getting out of bed.

  3. Remove the tube cap.

  4. Place the cotton swab from the collection device in your mouth.

    1. Touch the swab as little as possible with your hands.

  5. Leave the swab in your mouth until fully saturated.

    1. DO NOT leave it in longer than 5 minutes.

    2. TIP: Lightly chewing on the swab may help stimulate saliva flow.

  6. Once the swab is saturated, place the swab back into the same tube as you found it.

    1. DO NOT remove the inner tube.

    2. DO NOT spit into the tube.

  7. Complete all information on the tube label.

  8. Freeze the saliva sample until ready to ship.

  9. After you have completed the first collection,

    1. Set a timer for the second and third collections.

    2. Move to a well-lit location.

  10. Repeat steps 3-8 for each collection.


    1. Instructions on how to fill out your requisition can be found HERE.

    2. Failure to complete and send the test requisition form may result in a sample recollection.

Urine Collection

  1. Write the following information on the collection device.

    1. Your full name

    2. Date of collection

    3. Time of collection

    4. Day of your cycle (if applicable)

    5. Sample number (following the schedule above)

  2. Fill in the dates of collection on the appropriate collection schedule (normal/short cycle, long cycle, no cycle) found in the included collection instructions.

  3. Collect your urine by either:

    1. Urinating directly on the filter paper

    2. Collecting your urine in a clean cup

  4. If you collected your urine in a clean cup, dip the filter paper in the urine.

  5. Ensure the filter paper is fully saturated.

  6. Leave the collection device open to dry for at least 24 hours.

    1. DO NOT touch the filter paper with your fingers.

  7. Once the filter paper is dry, close and fold each collection device.

  8. Repeat steps 1-7 for each sample collection.


    1. Instructions on how to fill out your requisition can be found HERE.

    2. Failure to complete and send the test requisition form may result in a sample recollection.

  10. Place all collection devices into the resealable plastic bag.

  11. Place the completed requisition form and the samples into the test kit box to ship back to the lab.

Requisition & Payment

  • Your kit has been prepaid. You DO NOT need to pay anything extra.

  • You must complete your requisition form and send it back with your samples. Failure to complete and send the test requisition form may result in a sample recollection.

    • Since you pre-paid for your tests, you do not need to fill in the payment information on this form.


  • Please ship your samples as soon as possible after collection.

    • If you have to wait to ship your samples, please keep all samples in the freezer until you are ready to ship.

  • To prepare your samples for shipping,

    • Once the urine collection devices are dry, close and fold each device.

    • Ensure all collection devices and tubes are clearly and properly labeled.

    • Place the urine sample collection devices into the resealable plastic bag.

    • Place the plastic bag into the test kit box.

    • Place the frozen saliva tubes into the test kit box.

    • Place the test kit box into the provided UPS envelope.

    • Place the completed requisition form into the provided UPS envelope.

    • Seal the envelope.

  • Make a note of the tracking number so that you can track your sample back to the lab.


  • Results should be released to your provider 7-10 business days after samples are received at the lab. Rupa Health cannot guarantee processing time.

More Resources


Reach out to Rupa Health via the chat in your patient portal.

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