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Hair Elements
Updated over 6 months ago

Test Details

Lab Company: Doctor's Data
​ Sample Type: Hair
​ Collection Location: At Home

The Hair Elements test provides information regarding recent and ongoing exposure to potentially toxic metals.

Key Details

  • No special preparation is needed.

  • DO NOT use hair that has been permed, dyed, bleached, or otherwise chemically treated.

  • Ship your samples back to the lab as soon as possible after collection.

Preparation & Timing

  • No special preparation is needed.

  • DO NOT use hair that has been permed, dyed, bleached, or otherwise chemically treated.

Collection Instructions

  1. You will collect head hair or pubic hair.

    1. DO NOT use hair that has been permed, dyed, bleached, or otherwise chemically treated.

    2. DO NOT mix head and pubic hair.

  2. Set up the provided scale.

    1. Bend the back tabs down to form a fulcrum.

    2. Place on a level surface.

  3. Cut samples of hair from the back of the head.

  4. Use stainless steel scissors to cut hair as close to the scalp as possible.

    1. If you are collecting public hair, cut it as close to the skin as possible.

    2. It is best to collect small amounts of hair from 5 or 6 areas in the back of the head.

  5. Save only the one inch of hair closest to the skin.

    1. Cut off and discard the rest.

  6. Place the saved hair on the scale.

  7. Repeat steps 4-6 until the scale tips.

    1. You should collect about 0.25 grams of hair.

  8. Label the provided plastic bag with the following information.

    1. Patient's full name

    2. Patient's date of birth

    3. Date of collection

    4. Hair type

  9. Complete the test requisition form.

  10. Place the hair in the plastic bag and seal it.

Requisition & Payment

  • Your kit has been prepaid. You DO NOT need to pay anything extra.

  • Instructions on how to fill out your requisition can be found HERE.

    • Since you pre-paid for your tests, you do not need to fill in the payment information on any of these forms.


  • Ship as soon as possible after collection.

  • To prepare your samples for shipping,

    • Place the plastic bag containing your hair samples into the provided mailing envelope.

    • Place the completed test requisition form into the provided mailing envelope.

    • Securely seal the mailing envelope.

  • Make a note of the tracking number so that you can track your sample back to the lab.

  • DO NOT place your samples in a drop box.


  • Results should be released to your provider 3-8 business days after samples are received at the lab. We cannot guarantee processing time.

  • Your provider will notify you when your results are in and schedule a follow-up appointment for you to review them together.

More Resources


For general questions, email Rupa Health at [email protected]. For test-specific questions, contact Doctor's Data by calling 800-323-2784 or emailing Doctor's Data customer service at [email protected].

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