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Vibrant Sample Requisition
Updated over a week ago

You can IGNORE the QR code in your kit. Follow the requisition instructions below.

The requisition form you will fill out depends on the type of samples you have.

  • If you have a test requiring a blood draw, see the instructions HERE.

  • If you have a test that doesn't require a blood draw, see the instructions HERE.

  • If you have a Vibrant Wellness test and are in New York, you must also fill out the Testing Release Form. Instructions HERE.

Tests Requiring a Blood Draw

Follow these instructions if you have a test requiring a blood draw.

How to Fill Out Your Requisition

NOTE: If you are collecting the Renal Function Panel or Comprehensive Metabolic Panel, please write your height on the requisition form.

How Your Completed Requisition Should Look

Tests Not Requiring a Blood Draw

Follow these instructions if you have a test requiring a blood draw.

Testing Release Form

This form is only required for patients in New York. You can find this paper in the same place as your requisition form.

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