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πŸ“¦ Step 2: The Kit
Updated over a year ago


For most labs, you’ll receive your test collection kit in the mail! πŸ“«

What you need to know!

  • When you receive the kit, open it!

  • Verify its contents & read through information

  • Place cold packs in the freezer (if applicable)

  • Be aware of any restrictions for your tests (fasting, medication or dietary restrictions)

See below for more details about these steps β˜‘οΈ

When you get your kit, open it!

Verify the kit contents, which typically includes:

  • Requisition form: these are the lab orders and is needed for the phlebotomist to draw your samples. Don’t lose this!

    • Don't see a form? It's possible you printed a copy and filled this out yourself πŸ™‚

  • Tubes: these are specific to the samples the test requires and some may have extra reagents in the tubes (this is not condensation!)

  • Shipping materials: these usually include a biohazard bag for your samples & return shipping label

    • For return shipment tracking, take a picture of the shipping label if you'd like to track status of the kit; most labs can't provide this information once the kit is shipped

  • Draw instructions: these are primarily for the phlebotomist to confirm the test specific instructions, but it's good practice for patients to read this as well to know what to expect

If you do not have any tubes or return shipping material, reach out to [email protected] to get a replacement kit shipped to you!

Take action on kit contents:

  • Draw instructions included in the kit will guide you through any prep activities

  • Typically, there will be freezer packs required to be frozen before your blood draw appointment ❄️

  • Make sure you know from your practitioner if you should fast, restrict your diet, or stop any medications

Other materials and equipment for draw:

  • The kit will provide you with everything that you need!

  • The phlebotomist will have standard phlebotomy materials and equipment for the actual draw, such a needle and gauze πŸ’‰

Reach out to our support team ( [email protected]) for further assistance.

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