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DNA Methylation - Swab
Updated over 5 months ago

Test Details

Lab Company: Doctor's Data
​ Sample Type: Swab
​ Collection Location: At Home

The DNA Methylation Profile screens for a variety of genetic changes that may impact the function of important biochemical processes. These changes can lead to a variety of health conditions.

Key Details

  • No special preparation is needed.

  • Ship samples as soon as possible after collection.

Preparation & Timing

  • No special preparation is needed.

Collection Instructions

  1. Rinse your mouth with cold water.

  2. Open one of the sleeves and remove one swab.

    1. Keep the paper sleeve intact.

    2. DO NOT touch the swab.

  3. Swallow to remove excess saliva.

  4. Using a circular motion, rub the swab on the inside of one cheek about 20 times.

    1. Use enough pressure for the cheek to be pushed outward.

  5. Gently wave the swab in the air to let it dry for 3 minutes.

    1. DO NOT touch the swab.

  6. Once the swab is dry, place it back in the sleeve.

  7. Remove the second swab from the sleeve.

  8. Repeat steps 3-6 for the second swab. Use the same cheek side.

  9. Once you have completed the first set of swabs, open the other sleeve.

  10. Repeat steps 2-8 for the second two swabs. Use the other cheek side.

  11. EXAMPLE:

1st swab

Right cheek

2nd swab

Right cheek

3rd swab

Left cheek

4th swab

Left cheek

  1. Once all four samples have been collected, place the two sleeves containing the four dry swabs in the provided envelope.

    1. DO NOT place the swabs in a plastic bag.

  2. Complete the test requisition form and consent form.

Requisition & Payment

  • Your kit has been prepaid. You DO NOT need to pay anything extra.

  • Instructions on how to fill out your requisition can be found HERE.

    • Since you pre-paid for your tests, you do not need to fill in the payment information on any of these forms.


  • Ship samples as soon as possible after collection.

  • To prepare your samples for shipping,

    • Place the two swab-containing sleeves in the provided envelope.

    • Place the completed test requisition form into the envelope.

    • Seal the envelope.

  • Make a note of the tracking number (if one is provided) so that you can track your sample back to the lab.


  • Results should be released to your provider 3-8 business days after samples are received at the lab. We cannot guarantee processing time.

  • Your provider will notify you when your results are in and schedule a follow-up appointment for you to review them together.

More Resources


For general questions, email Rupa Health at [email protected]. For test-specific questions, contact Doctor's Data by calling 800-323-2784 or emailing Doctor's Data customer service at [email protected].

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